Regenerative Financing

Financing Alternatives for Commercial Clean Energy & Resiliency Improvements

What is Regenerative Financing?

The goal of regenerative development is to enhance the conditions for sustainable growth — that is, growth that enriches our environment and habitat rather than depleting its life-giving capacity. We can create a world that is in harmony with nature, and thus capable of producing a genuine surplus to meet the needs of life for all beings on Earth.

Specifically, our organizational focus has been “financing the transition,” which is to say the transition to a more sustainable energy system, by reducing waste and switching to renewable sources. Only a society that aims for self-renewal will be capable of sustaining the world’s population without rapidly depleting our natural capital, polluting our environment, and rendering large parts of the Earth uninhabitable.

One of the greatest barriers to climate security is lack of access to appropriate capital.

Finance as a Tool for Good

We know that the key to changing the world is providing the right incentives, and this informs our financing innovations, which are designed to support ecological restoration and community regeneration.

Also regenerative finance means that the projects that are financed have the interests of all stakeholders in mind (not just the owners/developers/contractors, but “the public, “the local economy and the specific community where the work is being done). The projects themselves are regenerative in some way — adding “living” value — and taking into consideration unintended consequences. Doing no harm to the community and looking to benefit the community which grants it a right to operate. is a project of Possible Planet, a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit.

Possible Planet is the umbrella nonprofit for New Jersey PACE, NICCE, DREEM, and the Center for Regenerative Community Solutions (CRCS).
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